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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
The First Stage of the All-Russian Competition of Scientific Research Works with International Participation “Ten to Minus the Ninth” Completed

The First Stage of the All-Russian Competition of Scientific Research Works with International Participation “Ten to Minus the Ninth” Completed

Самарский университет

According to the results of the first stage, 4,500 schoolchildren from all over Russia and 4 foreign countries took part in the competition. The foreign countries are Albania, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan

08.05.2024 2024-05-22
500 participants, who overcame the passing score set by the Organizers of the competition, depending on the number of applications submitted and the test results, entered the second stage. The passing score for the contestants was 67 points. Now the participants will have to compete for the title of finalist of the competition, for the purpose of getting additional points for admission to Samara University and the voucher to the profile shift at the International Children’s Centre “Artek”, which will be held on September 01–22, 2024.

“I often participate in various competitions, Olympiads, conferences, but recently I have become interested in nanotechnology. Watching my interest and fascination with this rather new area, my supervisor offered me to take part in the competition “Ten to minus the ninth”. I would like to express my gratitude to the organizers of the competition and everyone to be involved in preparation of the questions, for your work and for such non-standard, interesting and exciting tasks! I hope I will make it to the finale and will be able to improve my knowledge in chemistry and nanotechnology,” shared Ekaterina Balabanova, a pupil of the 10th grade at Gymnasium No. 1 of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev (Orel), her impressions of passing the first stage of the competition.

In the period from May 6 to July 1, 2024, the schoolchildren will create unique research papers, the themes of which will be proposed by the Organizers of the competition. They will have to consider themes, such as: application and properties of two-component chemical systems; artificial intelligence for analyzing the Big Data of Natural Sciences; the study of the trend towards replacing animal products with vegetable analogues, etc. The main prize for winning the competition is the voucher to the International Children’s Centre “Artek”, as well as 10 points to the Unified State Exam for admission to Samara University.

“I was motivated to take part in this competition by my desire to try my hand and get additional points to the Unified State Exam for admission to Samara University. Moreover, I really hope that participating in the competition “Ten to minus the ninth” will help me realize my dream – to go to Artek! I have even already started working on the scientific project, I’ve stopped at the theme “Silicon carbide-based solar cells,” said Veronika Flyagina, a 10th grade pupil at Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Lyceum No. 3 in Barabinsk.

The educational program of the All-Russian competition of scientific research works with international participation “Ten to minus the ninth” provides the opportunity for the participants to conduct research, talk about their developments, significantly expand their knowledge and receive competent advice from the experts.

“I am interested in modern research, so I took part in the competition “Ten to minus the ninth”, and I also dream of entering Samara University, although I am still deciding on the Institute, but it will definitely be technical,” said Makar Andreev, a 10th grade pupil of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary school No. 15 in Kaluga.

The competition is included in the list of Olympiads and other intellectual competitions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The text was prepared by the Department of Professional Guidance and Work with Talented Youth